Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Introducing the most insulted people on social media today

While I was trying to take over the world today, I noticed that some persons got a very rough end of the stick on FB, twitter, whats app, BB you just name it.

Whatever social media there was out there, these personalities were getting insulted per second, per alphabet ,per enter button.

1.       MTN (or NTM as pronounced by one of my former nannies)

So it turns out that customers of the yellow telecom giant woke up a few days ago to find huge chunks of their airtime missing (in some cases - everything) and all hell broke loose.

 In fact at midnight after the exact date of the incident, someone updated her status as follows “dear MTN I’m going to bed and I’m going to switch off my phone, wrap it in a black cloth and put it under my pillow let me see how you will come and take my money”….Then she proceeded to label them with a name I do not care to repeat….I don’t need to tell you she was just being ridiculously funny but at the same time trying to express her pain.

  Truth be told my heart went out to the telco giant (after going out to the subscribers of course) because I am so sure the matter was due to a technical glitch…these things happen, technology is not perfect you know and I was so sure the issue would be rectified ASAP and subs compensated urgently.

However it seems the ugly incident repeated itself today and customers went off the chain …you know Nigerians have always been very touchy about their cash and then subsidy was  removed….then PHCN still didn’t bring back the light….and the tropical heat/ozone layer/global warming issue….yish! People are living on the edge and they are ready to bite off anybody’s head. So they were not patient today at all.

 I pray for NTM oh that the issue is sorted and they make peace with their subscribers soon but for now they gonna need holy water and dettol to wash away some of them curses that were rained today. It is well.

2nd award for most insulted entity of today goes to John Fashanu….How does a person go from being so highly revered to highly trashed?...

He went to testify in court to help Ibori’s case…his strategy which I’m sure was briefed to him by Ibori’s legal counsel was to highlight all the positive things Ibori has ever done even from his mother’s womb till date.

Well Nigerians rained insults on him as they claimed he was listing things that were false like the amalgamation of Nigeria , the discovery of river Niger, turning water to wine etc….Just kidding... but people were not happy with some things he said and he got the rough end of the stick today on social media…I felt for him…could be quite painful to suffer such blows when all you were trying to do was help a friend out. A sensitive matter it was but he was just trying to help his friend…poor guy!

3rd Award goes to none other than Ibori himself as the court case reopened old wounds for Nigerians and people from Delta state who felt and still feel seriously cheated by the happenings of the last few years. I hear that when you get into government, the kind of money you meet there can turn your head so much you can’t think straight and this was the calamity that befell Ibori and several government officials like him.

Well all I have to say is that INEC better commission a medical team to come up with an antidote which they inject into the blood of election winners to avert this malady and national disaster which plagues government after government on all levels.
 To add a plural dimension to all the insults rained on him today, Ibori was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment which has some technical terms that in a nutshell means yes he is going to jail but he will not be there for 13 actual years… (ask a lawyer that will agree to explain to you for free).

And his properties were confiscated.

I’m guessing this includes whatever he had even before he got into government

What a day for these 3 personalities…for what its worth guys it could have been worse.
 Tomorrow you can start afresh to make a change. Be strong!

In the meantime yours truly is monitoring the matter of Obama and the Columbian Prostitution racket scandal. I think they are trying to set him up but the movie just started and Jack Bauer has not appeared so i'll keep you posted. 

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