Monday, 13 August 2012

Fashola & Lawmakers have mercy oh

I have read with great palpitations the Lagos traffic laws and concomitant penalty and I just want to ask our dear action governor Fashola and his lawmakers to have mercy. 3 years prison and hundreds of thousands in fines? ishudder!!!

I keep remembering times when LASTMA caught me for one ignoramus traffic offence or the other...sometimes due to traps they set for unsuspecting road users hidden signs and all sorts of other gimmicks.

I hear Yinka Johnson (the banker lady whom they said killed a LASTMA official ...which then led to the unleashing of these laws) innocent. Long story short..A "Danfo" (public 18 seater bus) driver hit the official and they tried to pin it on her because they had already flagged her car down...a Land Rover/Range rover ...I'm not sure now.

If this is true then that is so sad prayers are with her. I hear she is in cell with her 2 month old baby. My brother knows her very well and he confirmed all so so sad.

God will deliver her oh.

Move to Abuja ..Bomb blast,

Move to Lagos...LASTMA ...I'm gonna try Abeokuta or Ibadan...who is with me? LOL.

It is well...don't buy gala on the road oh ..its not worth imprisonment. Ask Mandela.

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