Monday, 13 August 2012

Health Check..1! 2!

Have you noticed the surge of kidney problems in young people, or cardiac arrests in movie stars, or young people? It was so sad that I read about yet another young man who works in a radio station in Lagos and he needs a kidney transplant.

I have done some investigation of my own and found that this matter can  be largely  traced to stress which triggers High blood pressure which in turn can cause the kidneys to fail and vice versa (the kidneys failing can trigger HBP as well). I studied Biochemistry and I'm married to a doctor so this free consultation is authentic oh. * cough* cough*

Tis a sad matter when I read about this kidney failure thing in movie stars, entertainers and in recent times 2 radio on air presenters.

I have looked at it  or as my husband's people in Warri would say....I don check am.....and honestly these things can be avoided because I have traced the root cause to the following issues .

 1) People dont go to hospital in Nigeria for check up...bills, poor systems, whatever the reasons, they dont go. HBP can be picked up early especially if it is genetic and it can be managed via weight loss, diet management, drugs, lifestyle changes etc .

2) Nigerian Employers and movie associations/ professional bodies  etc should provide Health Insurance and use the services of Health Management organisations (HMOs) so their people can access health care whether they have cash or not and please there should be  nothing like "if I dont use the money let me cash it"....people should be encouraged to go for full health checks annually even if they don't fall ill. Even if it  means bringing the doctors to the offices or movie locations for health checks. It can save a life.

 A lot of diseases when detected early can be managed or cured. Even HIV these days is no more a death sentence if detected early.

People should not be afraid of getting treatment or getting checked. I am speaking from experience. One day I may share more of my personal experiences but for now, trust me on this.

If you are an employer please help your employees access good health care... budget for it at the beginning of the year and help them...a lot of energy goes from them into building your dreams and vision and it affects their may not see it now but it will tell in the long run...eyes, organs, blood pressure, etc these things need to be checked at least once a year or more. Put structures in place to help them do this.

Where does faith come in? God has said he will remove sickness from us by blessing our bread and water and He has said if and when we have challenges with our bodies ...healing is our bread. Free and available for us all but sometimes sadly people run play carelessly with their health and hide behind  the issue of faith and when it all backfires they make it look like God is no longer on our side. 

 Some people are afraid to go to hospital for tests because they feel the doctors will find something negative so they stay home and "faith" it until it gets worse. Some others are afraid of the medical bills and hide under "faith" and end up spending so much more in the long run moving from one place to another for help.

My personal policy in life is for you to be honest with yourself and with your God. Only then can true liberty come.

Face your fears with trust that God is going ahead, beside and behind you...thats the true journey of faith.

Like I said I have so many stories to tell but some other day.....for now please take good care of your today because it will definitely tell on your tomorrow.

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