Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Open Letter to Nigerians in Diaspora

Dear beloved countrymen, women and children living or hiding in a foreign land,

I gladly write to inform you that (at least in my own neighbourhood), power has been stable for some weeks now....infact months.

I testify that in some cases the power does not blink for like 72 hours in a row and when it even blinks, they bring it back shortly after.
Last time we tracked our fuel expenses for the beloved but battered  generatorsssss, fuel expense had significantly dropped by at least 50% for the past 3 months and infact since January this year it has been steadily declining.

This is a testimony in my home because there was a time when all Pdoc's earnings were just draining directly into fuel and diesel and burning out as carbon monoxide. Needless to say there wasn't much left to buy me flowers, jewels, designer ensembles and chocolates.

I am particularly happy about this development of constant power supply because it was  very frustrating  hearing so many generators at night. I had to lock windows and suffer the risk of suffocation, heat rash and all other attrocities for my family and just so I could shut out the noise of the zillions of generators around *sigh*

What can we say at this point, who do we praise at this point? I'm not going to praise the government or the management of PHCN o jare...they have not settled me...Lol!

I'm going to Praise God whom we all have been crying out to for so many years and He has answered us with increased water levels which flood the dams and boost energy levels for power to be generated....*feeling so intelligent and technically savvy right now*

Thats my angle and i'm sticking with it.....So my dear Nigerian friends in diaspora as you can see...there is hope for our giant baby Nigeria.

Let the prayers continue....Baba God is hearing loud and clear  afterall the generators have been silent for a while now:)

More power to you people.

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