Tuesday 2 October 2012

Chigo How far naaaaa????

Dear friends, how are you all doing?
 I know I know I have been AWOL and I am sorry. Truth is I was feeling very, very and totally uninspired…. had some challenges and I needed to take some time off blogging. Some people were mean to me…from both expected and unexpected quarters and I had to take time to heal and deal with my emotions and the shock of what exactly happened.
 It is hard to be a Christian and do the right thing sometimes…..to fight back and deal strong blows when you feel wrongly treated is sometimes the sweetest and most satisfying option but ALAS!!!…not usually the best option… but anyways the important thing is that I have resumed my blogging duty and I am sorry for running off without your permission…Please forgive me…Lol!
Blogging is a gift given to me by God and no I am not throwing it away.

Again there was the radio show, I was kind of waiting for it to start before I resumed but alas we were having some teething problems with the radio station …Life is funny…..I would have imagined that to do a radio show or anything at all, once you have sponsors/financial back up, all your problems would be solved but Nooooooo…the radio station needs to let you know they are the boss.
So we have been going back and forth on stuff but everything is resolving, it shall surely come to pass.
At first when the radio station started giving us stress I panicked and started regretting announcing I was going on air. Omooo I had put it on BB, Chi.N.N, Facebook, Twitter….Name it!
 I was just regretting my olofofo ways…I  had this philosophy that I should have kept it hidden until it had matured and become a reality….maybe because people are wicked and they might do something to thwart it or just maybe because I didn’t want to be embarrassed if for some strange reason things didn’t work out…then I could shrink back into the wall paper…Lol ….but you know as I meditated on this and asked myself why I allowed myself break this rule, It came to my heart that God announced the birth of Christ before He was born, announced it when he was born and kept announcing Him…..even though He knew the baby had enemies and to keep it a secret would have been better, easier and of course less stressful but our God announced the arrival of his long awaited dream anyway.
In fact before Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted, God had just announced that He was the chosen one.  
Pastor Sam Adeyemi said he knew where he was going in life was special even though he didn’t look like it but oh how he was tested…he was tested spiritually, financially, emotionally…just name it…but today at the other side of that test there is victory.
Just as Jesus promised…in this world there will be trials but be of good cheer….I have overcome for you …(I am paraphrasing now).
So let’s just say even though I am not yet fully on the on the other side, sitting at the consul and officially welcoming you to Homemakers radio show YET…but I am on the way …smelling the roses while at it and appreciating the lessons learnt . Someday I am going to own my own radio station and ain’t none of this crap I am seeing gonna show up dia in Jesus name …You gate it????

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