Friday 25 January 2013

Growing up

"If you jump up you will fall down, but if u grow up you can only go further". Fela duruotoye

Pdoc and I heard these words in a program Fela spoke at in 2008 or 2009 and we have meditated on these words through the years and we have come to see that it is sooo true.

God is a God of process! Yes miracles happen but there is always a plan!!!
 Miracles are the icing on the cake.
However, these days people want to put the icing before the cake. What am I saying? Forgive me! They just want the icing.. Period!
But the icing will melt my dear if you do not have a sustenance plan.
God has sustained this world in its balance not by miracles but by a process, hence creating an endless job for scientists to keep researching the why and how things exist etc. No matter what you want to achieve in life: loose weight, build an empire, understand the word of God, make money, have a great marriage?.....whatever you want to achieve in life my darling you need to be ready to follow the process. You need to GROW!!!!
Yes miracles can happen along the way but you see dear friend, miracles are supernatural.
 It is God that decides those ones. We have no control over miracles. The whens and how!! But we have control over the process. So my love, go to school, learn a trade, start that business, read a book, take a walk, eat healthy, one step at a time ....GROW!!!! Anything you are struggling to achieve today is not because you can't achieve it (after all those who have done it don't have 2 heads) but because you have not have not built enough capacity. When you do, it will flow naturally.
Even in raising children, try as you may to force them to walk before their time, when it is time, they will walk! Trust me they have been watching and rehearsing since day 1 but they hadn't grown strong enough yet. Our society is filled with people who want to jump up and sadly some people are calling it faith. Rev. Sam calls it Talisfaith!! As in talisman plus faith....Lol!
 I have come to learn and see that true success that is sustainable from generation to generation is not automatic. It takes a process. Therefore I have no time or respect for "get rich quick" people, schemes or opportunists. Once I see you do not respect time, planning, process, integrity, accountability and governance....ABC ya!!!

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