Saturday 7 December 2013

Tips for keeping your WIFE supportive,attracted to You, excited about You and in love with YOU come 2014!

Keep that look in her eyes constant and ALIVE!!

Hallo my dear male readers,
This article has been coming to my mind for months to share and so here  we go…

This is how to show her love and say "I love you" beyond words in 2014.All tips do not  necessarily apply to everyone... please choose whatever applies to your situation and explore.

Your wives will hardly tell you these things cos if they do then it will no longer be exciting. Its nice when you read it here and then implement at home. It keeps it fresh, surprising and exciting.

 I'm happy to help, glad to be of service.

When it works, be sure to tell a friend and let us know here. Just my own contribution to the happiness of the 'woman race'...Lol!

1)    Plan to bless her with pleasant surprise least bimonthly;…a blender is not a gift, neither is a washing machine or an electric kettle. A gift is a ticket to a holiday on her own or with you, a visit to a spa, a bottle of perfume, a book she has been dying to read, a movie she has been postponing seeing, jewelry, cup cakes or whatever she likes to indulge in besides regular food;like interesting salads, Chinese take out etc, flowers, cards, shoes, bags, nice underwear (check the old ones for guidance on size)… know your wife….surprise her with a personal gift and do so in style…put some drama into it. Watch Telemundo for dramatic inspiration. …Lol!

2)      Make the home comfortable, relaxing , welcome and fun for her …that’s where the blender, washing machine, treadmill (if she wants more exercise), electric kettle and other home /recreation appliances that make life easy come in.

3)      Every woman wants a man who makes her feel safe, secure and protected and you can make her feel all these seemingly impossible feelings in the following ways:

                                  i.  Take care of your health for her sake - if not for yours. Let her know you have no intention of making her a widow (at least as much as it lies within your power). Complaining about that pain in your neck, leg, tummy  for months is not helping. In fact it is irresponsible and selfish. Get yourself examined, go and see a doctor, do the tests, start treatment and get better if it gets to that but stay healthy and stay alive.

                                 ii.  Take care of your body, personal hygiene and grooming. Eat healthy, exercise, dress sharp, dress trendy, smell good… Get ‘ HOT’, stay ‘HOT’! Just for her. Let her be proud to say,…”That’s my man!”…You know  the trend was women were scared that younger hotter girls would snatch their husbands and so they continually kept up so they always had their husbands’ attention, well I have news for you; the tables are turning . Women now notice men!...they now know six pack, trendy dressers, who is a hot guy and who is not… etc. Thanks to P-square, Brad Pitt and Co…so please, guy…try to keep up. She might not say it but she might be thinking it…and that’s

                               iii.  Take care of your finances…Get a job/vision/business; grow it, stay focused…MAKE MONEY!!! Give her something to be proud of about you, something to pour her help, support and prayers into for you. Let her look up to you and be inspired, be able to say “ this is what my husband does for a living and see how he is growing ….” Adam was a gardener, he wasn’t idle. What’s your excuse bro?

                               iv.  Take care of your Spirit….Draw closer to God. He will make you wiser and direct your path. This way you make better decisions as the leader of your home. Women can follow a good leader ANYWHERE…Ask Jesus...they followed him into his grave.

4)      Share actual goals for yourself and your family with her at the beginning of the year, paste them somewhere where two of you can see them. Take steps each day and work towards those goals, sharing the victories and celebrating milestones along the way with her. Such celebrations could be a meal out, a day out, a weekend retreat, a surprise little gift to  appreciate her support etc. Or just an intimate note or SMS saying "Thank you". This way you keep her excited and motivated about the journey with you. She will look forward to the next milestone and support you even more along the way. She will really be sure there is something in it for her and it isnt just about you.  A happy, excited wife can only make you a happy, excited husband.  Don’t take her support for granted, say “Thank you” along the way in appreciative,exciting, passionate and romantic ways.

5)      Make a list of things you have heard her indicate interest in, heard her say she wants or  she wants done or wants to do. Categorize them into short to long term goals and actually help make these things happen  to and for her as God gives you Grace. This way she can look back and say “this man has added value to my life, he has actually made me/ actually makes me a better person”. …she can only reciprocate the help, love and support.

6)      Allow her grow mentally, financially and socially by getting a job, starting a business or even pursuing higher education if she wants to. If you are scared she won’t follow through on these seemingly huge investments of time, energy and money then coach her along the way or get her a coach. Support her cos  when the billions start to roll in, you will be glad you did. An empowered woman is an empowered society.

7)      If you want more sex,then help her get more relaxation time. A relaxed woman is more open to sexual activities. A woman who bustles through traffic or is constantly worrying about money, children, market etc.  has sex as the last thing on her mind, after the last thing on her mind …did I mention that the things on her mind per time are like 4 pages long? get her a driver, a cook, a laundry man, a help, a nanny or maybe even  a lesson teacher for the kids (to help with homework before she gets home from work)… basically a helper in any area you can afford that will free up some of her time so she can relax a bit more and have more time to attend to you.

8)      Be more intimate and passionate with her….use words,use songs and lyrics for her ears only (all these 9ja love songs play them for her in ya bedroom biko, send them to her via email, bbm etc, call a radio station..its free!!!), use touch, use drama, use whatever, but be strategic about your relationship with her. Dont just take her for granted, continue to woo her, plan interesting dates with her, send her cards, gifts, cakes, fruits, flowers...anything to surprise her and let her (plus those around her) know that a man is in her life, he appreciates her and he is crazy about her. Women love being pursued, surprised, cared for and paid attention to. Make that woman fall in love with you over and over again…as it was in the beginning. Love can grow strong or weak, it can stay stagnant and Oh No!...It can die as well…the options are in ya hand O MAN!!!

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