Thursday, 10 May 2012

About the MUNA vs MODE 9 Debacle!

You know the day I opened the papers or was it Linda’s blog now...(I have forgotten)
and saw that Nokia had a competition and had contracted Muna as the Compere..... my heart bled.

 Not because I have anything against Muna ....(that is one HOT looking babe who is doing very well for herself..happy for her) but my heart was heavy because HALLO!!!.....she is not a Compere.

Will you allow a paediatrician or gynaecologist operate on your brain?

Just because someone is an entertainer doesn’t mean they can do this my job.

 Everybody has their specialty and training for what they do.

Who can remember when D-Banj  Compered some award night some years back...I wept.
Or was it the AMAA that Aki and PawPaw handled.....DISASTER!!!!!
These people are talented no doubt, but guess what  a Range Rover can never fly........ no matter how much pressure you apply to it when suspended in the air.

A Compere is trained to be spontaneous and improvise when things are going wrong, manage emotions, time, event flows and the manage everything.

As a Compere you are not supposed to have an are a facilitator.....even if your enemy just finished speaking, you commend his speech, appreciate him and move on.

You leave your opinions at home. How do you challenge the judges experience?

Why do people invest so much in an event and spoil it with this tiny detail that is as huge as Kilmanjaro?
Now look what they have done to this lovely girl’s image....*sigh*.....all because someone contracted her for a job she is not trained to do.

Well at least Nokia is still getting  some sort of  publicity and so are Mode 9 and Muna albeit negative.
It will blow over dear hang in there but try and get a publicist that will be innovative enough to get you out of this neatly or the one you have now should help you think out of the box.

That press statement and your apology on twitter might not suffice oh. The Mode 9 guy is really hurt and all these people that comment on social networks (including me) are not helping.

Pray...God will give you wisdom. You have got to come out of this shinning. Be strong!

 In all this, have we heard anything about the winner of the competition?

 A word is enough for the wise. Let me help you Nigeria!!!!

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