Wednesday, 2 May 2012


BIG Brother Africa is about to commence.
Read more about it and see pictures HERE

Abeg who dey supply them bedsheet? Lol!

Nobody loves big brother like my sixty something year old dad. If he were younger I’m sure he would have entered for the competition…it is that bad…Lol!

I hope they calm down on the drinking and partying this time….who am I kidding, it sounds like it’s going to be worse. Seriously the show strikes me like an adult zoo…you know how people go to the zoo to watch animals; I feel that’s what we are doing when we sit down to watch Big brother.
Watching a  human zoo!
It also fascinates me how the winners and participants automatically become celebs or prominent figures in society from doing HA!
A prominent brand even contracted an ex- Big brother participant to be the compere at their just concluded reality show and as I watched I asked myself what kind of brand manager was managing that brand?
Could the guy have been any more  "stiffer" or "flavorless”?  We all need more training oh in the brand management and core entertainment industry if we are going to take Nigerian show business to the next level.
Anyway I’m not here to cast down anyone …I’m just telling you that the Human zoo is coming to town and that my dad will have plenty of work on his hands now. 

As for you,  watch responsibly... Kinjiko?

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