Friday 11 May 2012

Keep Passion Alive...Newlywed or not!


1. Get a decent well paying job or start a business. Catch a vision and let her see you make it romance without finance and life should be progressive. (1 huge point that qualifies you to be in the race for the following)

2. Touch her waist and look into her eyes when speaking to her about even the simplest things. (10 points). Actually talk to her like she has a brain and you want her opinion. (Another 10 points)

3. Hug her for no reason 10 points.

4. Share secrets , hopes, dreams and fears with her. 100 points

5. Hold her hand when she is not expecting e.g.  while driving (don’t go and get accident and say I sent you oh) 100 points

6. Take long strolls and when strolling, let her be in the inner lane while you be in line of traffic. (100 points) but God help you that her ex-boyfriend does not sight you and clear you off the road with his car .However if this happens...500 points

7. Hangout with her and your friends together. 200 points....if she does not like your friends, fire them all for her sake...1,000 points

8. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back till you prove your love is more. 2,000 points

9. If she complains about her zip and  says she is getting fat, vehemently deny this...tell her its her tailor or the cloth manufacturer that is a failure... 10,000 points

10. If she sits on your lap and asks “ hope i’m not heavy?” never say yes. When you are tired say your knees are weak and you need to exercise more  never ever allow yourself to be quoted saying she is fat...10,000 points

11. Help her loosen her hair at least once in your lifetime and if it is smelling tell her its a privilege to get that close to her to the point that you now know the smell of her hair.......infinity points.

12. Write love notes about not being able to breathe without her, not being able to taste food without her Diary of a mad black woman for lyrical inspiration and use them.....infinity points

13. Always play Banky W...Alabukun for her when she is tired and mime the song as you offer your services. Match action with words...prepare hot water for her feet and help with a massage....infinity x2 points

15. If you drop her at a wedding or event where her friends may be watching, give her a hug and a peck before she struts off.....Nna after this you are in the book of life!

16. DON'T lie to her ....  -1billion

17. DON'T cheat on her! ....  - infinity and plenty  of curses that will come to pass!!

18. Send her flowers/cupcakes and a card at least once a year for no just because its Thursday and you are in my life kinda thing......1 zillion points + infinity

19. If its an inter tribal relationship ...give her a new name in your language. The name should be interpreted to mean how you feel about her....we will put you in the museum of best lovers on earth

20. Let her wake up to find you thanking God for her in your life as a gift and praying for her happiness and progress............we sell the museum to you and give you the key.

We could go on and on but these 20 can last you for at least the 1st 30 years of the marriage:)


1.     Cook sweet food and  garnish with all the body parts of a cow...let him know it was specially prepared for him...nobody should touch it. Serve in  dishes and tray fit for a king .  

2.  If married always be available for sex....(May God help you if he does not have a job or he works from home).

3. Always treat and speak to him like a king. Even if you dont see him in that light....words are powerful.....they change people.

4.  Give him a pet name that makes his head swell. *Wink!

5.  Don’t let your mind die! Be useful to him on an intellectual level.

Have a blissful relationship courtesy my PDoc and I.

Check out PDoc's


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