Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The 5 Kinds of Women....Drama Queen!

Monique plays Miss Parker in the sitcom "The Parkers"....
Now thats a type of Drama Queen !!!....the way she chases the professor around...Lol!

This woman is either a doll, a cream doll, a babe or a mama mia…….. That means she can be basic, street smart, book smart, have incredible faith in herself or all of the above but her major distinguishing factor is that she has an overdose of passion that is why she is excessive and exaggerated in her words, actions, decisions and sometimes her looks or dress sense. She is overly sensitive, uses strong adjectives, makes cutting accusations or generalizations and believes everything is about her and everyone is against her.
Our lady of drama is not the most realistic of persons, she thrives on conspiracy theories  and by default strikes you as someone who has either seen too many movies or does not live on planet earth. When she is sad, she borders on mental depression and throws a pity party telling anyone who cares to listen exaggerated long winding historical versions about the issue. If angry, she may destroy valuables and even get into public fist cuffs. All emotions are taken to the extreme and she does not forget or forgive easily and can be very restless.

When faced with the choice of going into business, drama queen is very diverse like mama mia but does not apply herself as much because she is easily distracted and takes every business challenge too personally. So for example she wants to start trading and has a misunderstanding with the supplier, she quarrels with him violently and if he is as unforgiving as she is, that door is closed forever. If supplier is a forgiving person, the quarrels may get so frequent that he/she eventually chooses to close the door forever so his peace of mind and integrity can remain.

If she chooses the path of an office career, let’s just say everyone would prefer to work with someone else on their team. She may get ahead based on relationships and certain fortunate circumstances but can only go so far, she most likely will not rise beyond certain levels of leadership.

For romantic relationships, you will either find her in a “love lost” situation (where her man is barely tolerating her) or divorced, separated or very single with a long history of bad break ups which she swears were due to the errors from the men, but if examined closely can be traced to yours truly . 

While her peers are getting gifts and getting spoilt by their men she is wondering why nobody ever does anything for her and sometimes finds her self trying to buy people or mend relationships with gifts and money. She also engages in extreme acts of kindness or generosity but most times it’s aimed at mending fences or making room for a new relationship which she will surely ruin with her own hands if the person is not very understanding.

In the event that her car breaks down at the same busy junction as our other friends, her man will eventually hear from third parties about how she was fighting with the mechanic or how she broke down and wept profusely on the side walk and attracted the sympathy of the general public

The interesting thing is that men are initially attracted to her passionate outbursts but eventually get tired of the whole drama they find themselves in just because they chose her. If you find Drama queen as a single mom, its because her man got tired and left her, he just couldn’t cope with all the “drama”.

To help drama queen become a better person, she must learn to manage her emotions better. She must understand that not everything is about her and the world is not against her. Other people have their own problems too.

 If you are involved with her and need the relationship to work, continually reassure her that you have her best interest at heart; always communicate and explain things to her. She needs to be sure of your honesty and loyalty to her- that way it will always be you and her against the whole world and then you can teach her better and help her see the world correctly through your eyes.

Hope these 5 articles have helped you understand yourself, your friend or your loved one even better. I will deploy a self help quiz soon so you can take the test too.

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