Thursday, 28 June 2012


Did you know that once a woman starts being sexually active it increases her risks of contacting so many diseases?

Then if she has multiple partners either at once or periodically, it opens the door and increases risks even higher to so so so so so  many sexually transmitted diseases including cervical cancer!!!!

 As in beyond HIV now...there are more deadly diseases associated with sex.

My mouth was agape when I read that the virus responsible for cervical cancer has its house address right on top of the man’s sexual body part....YEP!!!!!! it if you doubt me...that’s why once a woman is sexually active and above 35 (or so they say)you should go for a pap smear every 2 years so if the thing is affecting you negatively, they can treat you and nip it in the bud.

Then breast cancer,...that one is traced to hormones surges which multiply when you take the pill and other hormone related substances for birth control and trying to conceive and so on and so forth....when I say women have issues.....I ain’t playing..... so many issues we need to be aware of and protect ourselves from with the Grace of God on our side *sigh*.

As in when I was in school, they had airborne diseases, then water borne diseases and then there was bad old malaria but now there is sexually transmitted diseases...a whole subheading or chapter dedicated to diseases you can catch once you open the door to sex..

I found all this out because in recent times; someone very close and dear to me has been fighting cancer so I did some very deep reading and googling which led me to discover why honestly speaking if you are not ready to get married and settle down with ONE PERSON, then my brother , my have no business being sexually active!.

You know there are so many things God has warned, instructed, advised, begged and counseled us not to do and the truth is that we keep doing these things and that is why the world is the way it is today. That is why there is so much suffering, pain and heartache because of the choices we make daily. 

You need to agree with God to keep yourself sexually pure, everything starts from the mind. You can do it, abstinence does not kill and NO! Cobwebs don’t gather in your body when you abstain

* rolling my eyes*

I know the world has lied to us that once you are in a relationship, it is not complete without sex...that’s a vicious lie.

Then some people speak of performance, How will I know?...ehm stay single if you are so doubtful  because from where I am standing marriage is basically a leap of in God and faith in the person. Sex is not the only thing people do in marriage, if anything this sex of an activity is the first thing you most likely will get tired of doing in marriage...what with all the stress that accompanies being an adult/ parent? Don’t let Hollywood deceive you is not like that... 

You see my problem with America and indeed Hollywood is that they have allowed themselves to be a channel of lies, deceit  and corruption...honestly!!!

Most people learnt the most part of what they know about sex from TV programs largely thrown to us by Hollywood. They made nudity look cool and elitist when it is actually primitive.

They made fornication look normal when it is a sin, they made living together without getting married look legal when it is the greatest crime you can commit to yourself especially as a woman, they made divorce look like freedom when it is actually a new type of bondage and so on and so forth now they are pushing the alien agenda and all sorts of weird stuff but the one that breaks my heart the most is the issue of homosexuality and lesbianism.

I am not gay and have never experimented in that manner and I don’t know anyone within my circle of influence that is gay, however I see some gaps in the whole matter. You see some years back, homosexuality was written in as a psychiatric/psychological problem but today, the 1st black president of America openly endorsed it as normal and so does every other movie or series you care to watch coming from Hollywood and they are just confusing people the more.

See I have analyzed this issue closely and from what I can see there are 5 stages which we need to reason together and address fully. Stage 1 a person realizes that he/she is attracted to same sex. Stage 2 the person hears from Hollywood and the world that there is such a thing as being are not the only one attracted to same sex, it’s not a defect, you were born this way......Stage 3 The person chooses to accept the story in stage 2 and begins to accept that he or she is gay. Stage 4 The person now finds a partner or is found by a partner (or in extreme cases initiates an innocent soul either in school, jail or wherever else) and stage 5 they start having sex, they move in together or get married and adopt a child.

Like I said i’m not gay but I honestly think that even if a person cannot control who they are attracted to, you can control what you believe about yourself. Who told you that you are gay? Did God tell you that HE made you gay? You heard it somewhere that such a thing exists and you accepted it. You don’t have to accept it, you may not understand it but you don’t have to accept it and while you are trying to understand it, you don’t have to become sexually active because some of these gay people are so promiscuous and it spreads diseases.

There are heterosexual men and women who are not in relationships and have made up their minds to abstain from sex till they meet someone and that brings me to two questions you might ask next,

Dear Chigo, so since a person is attracted to same sex, should they live their  lives alone forever and without a family, I mean at least the heterosexuals have hope that someday they might meet someone but you sound like you are saying the gay person should stay single forever because marrying someone they are not attracted to for the sake of appearances would be a lie.

My response to this is that if you find yourself attracted to persons of the same sex as you, go to your manufacturer, talk to HIM, He will sort you out collect your identity from HIM.

 DO not allow Hollywood or magazines or the internet define you. If your maker tells you that He made you gay then I rest my case  but I doubt He will tell you that.

My challenge with people today is that we allow the same ignorance around us define us. I drive a Kia and from the day I stopped servicing it with the manufacturers and allowed someone else work on it, I have not enjoyed the car again...come to think of it, the money and inconvenience I was avoiding from going to the manufacturers, I think I may have grossed or exceeded with this new mechanic...*note to self* FIRE HIM!!

You need to sit down with the manufacturer of your life and download your full details from HIM. Do not allow the world define you. My brother, my sister don’t settle for the easy way out, the  bible is clearly against homosexuality, that is not God’s best plan for you...If it was, Adam and Eve would have been the same sex.

We are a lazy, faithless generation. We don’t want to take the pains to walk with God and hear from Him and we wonder why things are going worse everyday and why bad things are happening to good people. This is a fallen world and we are yielding to the enemy every day. God loves you and He everything He said we shouldn’t do is for our own good. Dare to believe and accept that, take it one day at a time but refuse to yield to the lies of Hollywood.

There are no short cuts in life my people you need to build character and discipline and when you walk with the manufacturer of Humanity you will build character and discipline and when you have those two things you will experience true freedom and peace. Challenges will still come but you would have reduced them to a bare minimum both now and in the life hereafter.

Finally, imagine the other day I heard people are now swallowing balloons which will be injected with saline solution so they feel full and don’t have to eat so much, so they can loose weight.

If it’s a medical condition I’m ok with it sounds like a plan but if that person is using it as a quick fix in the person just doesn’t want to sit down and make some life and diet changes then that’s just wrong.

Avoid short cuts people!!......Discipline will get you  better long term results and quality of life.

  I’m not writing to judge anyone, I just want to help someone find freedom, peace and sanity in this “wonderful” world.

Dear friend,. we are a product of our choices....Make the right choice all begins in your MIND!!!!

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