Saturday, 21 July 2012

Great Expectations

OMG!!!! Your girl has been busy.

Just finished compering at my first daughter's school. They said she has graduated from pre-school with a Nursery diploma what can I say? I was so excited to hear the word graduate and diploma in the same sentence referring to my 4 year old, and in that excited state the proprietress coyly asked me to to be the compere for the graduation event and I agreed ...needless to say it was Pro bono but I had a wonderful time with the kids and the parents.

 I am especially pleased with the teachers. My daughter was attending another school before and was bagging awards steadily but I was not satisfied. I didn't see my standards in her and I was so sure my daughter was not getting the value she deserved. I will forever be grateful to my two friends who nagged me to bring her to the school their kids were attending till I finally gave in. Much to Pdoc's joy because he too had been telling me he wanted us to move to this new school but I was still dragging my feet. The school is far...the school compound is small...they don't have a play ground....bla bla bla ...I had enough excuses but finally I moved her there and you know the funniest thing was that my friends told me I would see a difference in one week but I just waved their praises aside...I felt they were exaggerating or just wanted us to be "clique mums" because we attend the same church and our kids are in the same class in children's church but HONESTLY I saw changes in one week.

Positive changes. It was like the school read my mind. All the things I worried I was not seeing, I began to see.The money cost sha oh i.e twas an expense....first fees we paid we had to debit 3 accounts...Lol! but its worth it.

Back to today my baby didn't win any award unlike her former school where she was winning things per second but I didn't care because I know where we are coming from and I know she is a super star. I don't need the teachers to tell me that, I can see the difference.

MoralVille Academy thank you and keep up the great work.
I still desire that you get a bigger school compound and playground sha....You are in my prayers.

After the event my baby was sulking a bit because she didn't get a gift so I talked her out of it but we still got her one of these interactive lap tops in her favorite color and some reading furniture to go with it so right now she is so busy with the new things, I have time to blog *sigh*....

Don't  ask me where her baby sister is, If I go looking for her and she sets her eyes on me, I might not blog again.

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