The 1st of July 2012 is my parent’s wedding anniversary...38 years of marriage. Huge Congrats to them..
It was a Monday morning wedding or was it Thursday now?
My mum tied Yoruba Buba and Iro (oleku style) and my dad wore a suit.. (they
can be weird like that sha...Heck! they are my apple does not fall
far from the tree).
it was in court...I’m not sure which one and the rest is
Congratulations to them
Coincidentally, that is also the date of when PDoc first
told me he wanted to marry me 12 years ago.
I can’t forget that was at my Ekosodin- Off campus residence UNIBEN.
It was early Saturday morning..I hadn’t had a bath, I’m not
sure I had brushed my teeth but I’m sure food was on the fire and my roommate
was in the kitchen...LOL!
Anyway my hair was scattered, I just loosened it and I was
looking very bad then I heard a knock on the door and opened the door.
He was the last person I expected to see that morning but
before I tell you what transpired next allow me back up a bit.....
You see PDoc and I
had been friends for like 3 to 4 years by this time, we met at Iyare park at
Mile 2, Lagos (or at least that was where I met him).
On his part he said he had been seeing me in UNIBEN and he
knew my course, my friends, my clique etc.
It was a long wait for the bus so we got talking and became
friends...many years down the line after a really cool friendship, he started
telling me he had feelings for me ....I really didn’t have those feelings for
him because I honestly had never seen him in that light... I liked him a lot
but not in the light of a relationship.
So PDoc kept telling me he liked me a bit more than usual
and he was getting more persistent by the day.
My friends told me he was always looking at me with so much
love and that I should free him if I wasn’t interested but I really liked him
and enjoyed his friendship.
He was fun to be with and very different from anyone I
knew... so level headed and cool, quiet, kind and God fearing.
All my other friends were extreme extroverts like me...He
was the only introvert I knew..... apart from my brother.
So I told my friends that he wasn’t saying anything so how
can I free him?
“All he does is tell me he likes me ...he thinks these
feelings are love....he thinks of me a lot....etc .
Ehm...... these are not questions...these are statements!”
So we came up with a plan...... a friend of mine would
approach him and ask him about his feelings then counsel him to “ask me out” as
in ask me to be his girlfriend.
Then since I wasn’t interested I would tell him NO and that
will clear the air then we can go back to being friends. Very simple right?
So bros showed up at my door step Saturday morning looking
very harassed.... he hadn’t had his bath either...his house was not too far
from mine at Ekosodin.
Apparently my friend had spoken to him the night before and
first thing this fateful morning bros
ran down to Ebony Hostel. Apparently he may have been confused of next steps to
take with all these feelings and I wasn’t helping so this my friend had given
him the Key * EUREKA* Rolling my eyes now*....Twas a disaster!
As I opened the door he just said “Chigo you already know
how I feel about you, I haven’t hidden anything from you but now I want you to
know that I want a relationship with you .......that is a relationship leading
to marriage.”
My mouth was wide open, I didn’t know that the accumulated
shock from seeing him at the door so early and the way he looked, the way I
looked, the things he was mouth was OPEN!!
Then he kept quiet waiting for a response. Now If he had
said girlfriend ...I would have said a big NO
but he said the M word...Marriage...and honestly he was good
marriage material... all I could hear ringing in my brain was Not yet! Not yet!
Not yet!
This confused me even more because I was so sure No was the
answer but now with this M factor ......No didn’t seem quite appropriate.
So I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out
He looked disappointed but he said to me “ this is the part
you say you will pray about it” and I said ”Ok I will pray about it”...then he
walked away.
After that day I started avoiding him, I broke his fragile
heart, I sent someone older than both of us to tell him No....The guy not only
told him No, the guy told him to face his studies and fellowship duties...medicine
is a tough course...bla bla bla...My darling was so embarrassed he ran away from
school for some days.
The events that
unfolded are a very long but sweet story maybe someday I will update it but what
is important is TODAY we are blissfully
married and I laugh when I remember everything.
Note to my twenty something year old confused self back
then.....Not yet!
He is THE one and you will have a beautiful, peaceful life
together ...but Not yet! The Holy Spirit was and is always right.
Hi five!
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