Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Letter to one of my 7 banks

Special appeal to one of my 7 know yourself...the RED in the RED snobbish one.

 I can totally relate and appreciate your desire to be in a class all by yourself.... after all that is what attracted me to you in the first place:), could you NOT take this snob appeal to the ATM level please (na beg i dey beg no be quarrel) many Atm machines rejecting your card except your orange friend and sometimes your other red acquaintance.

And i just feel its your fault, if you were not so "uppity" they would have been accepting your card eh now i have to take night bus out of where i am to where you are.

Even though its morning time mschewww....Haba!

If i didnt love you so much....

Please try and manage to find it in your heart to allow play with other banks at least at ATM level.

Thank you for accomodating my small change/coins.

Love Always

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