Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Memoirs from my weight loss journey...D story so far

I recently found out I have lost some significant body weight.
Over 10kg since I had my baby last year and actually weighed myself in January. Infact it was Pdoc who drew my attention to the actual figure. I knew I had lost weight but I was not sure how much...I hated weighing myself- twas a mournful event!

Fast forward to these days,I feel lighter when I wake up in the morning, no back aches, waist pains, headaches etc

I'm not where I want to be yet, but I am somewhere at least close to the roundabout which is usually close to the junction which is close to where I am going to and I want to encourage myself.

People have asked me how I have been doing it seeing that I still eat well and I am not doing any of these crash course diets or swallowing highly coloured tasteless substances or pills hence I decided to show some love to at least one person on this blog who might be interested in this scheme of things.

1. I made up my mind! I decided to make lifestyle changes. Too many diseases and conditions being traced back to nutrition.

2. I fell in love with fruits and salads (used to HATE them). Fell out of love with rice bread,yam,...though they still beg me to take them back but I hang on for dear life to my lettuce and cabbage. I eat my rice and company like 3ce a week as opposed to 4 million times a week before. 

3. No sugars whatsoever that means I drink water for a sodas, no cubes, no juices just water. Even if you take me to a party, restaurant or bar, the highest I can do to shake the water up is ask them to add lemon slices and ice cubes.

4.I stopped eating late...max 8pm then nothing goes in except water (this one is the one that gave me a swift tummy tuck....though there is room for improvement with exercises which I have also introduced recently)

5. I visited a nutritionist for validation of the steps I was taking and she said amongst many t.hings to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar

6. I drink self discipline and play a lot with my imagination...I imagine borrowing a dress from my slim friends and fitting into them...snugly.

The joy is in the journey

I enjoy reinventing myself...change is the only constant thing in life, change is exciting when it is positive and in the right direction.  

If you know me now you will not believe I was once blonde.* cough* cough*  Life is about changes. 

So i'm enjoying the journey, the gasps from my friends, the way my clothes begin to float around me and generally buttoning things that could not button. Hehehee!

Try it.

 In reward for my efforts a friend gave me a recumbent bike as an encouragement gift which I am falling in love with more and more and Pdoc walks with me round our estate in the evenings after supper (my night food aint dinner anymore its now supper...Lol!).

I also use the stairs more in buildings I am familiar with (dont have power for kidnappers) and  I day dream of getting and using my elliptic bike in my house, running on the tread mill, playing lawn tennis, swimming and jogging ( I believe these are adding value as well...the dreaming that is...LOL!)

I'm looking forward to more weight loss and a life of fitness, wellness and a sound mind. I wanna be fit and trim with a long healthy life,plenty clients, commitments and loads of properties...a perfect role model for my beautiful daughters and delicious eye candy for you know who *wink!.  

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