Wednesday 6 February 2013

My Anniversary Treat...2

I truly apologize for delaying this gist so much.

Events overtook each other *9ja grammar*

 So where was I???…yes at the Spa….I went in and they asked me to take off all my clothes plus my spectacles…*sigh* I knew I should have worn contact lenses for the matter.

They gave me a huge white towel, asked me to take a shower and handed me a tiny bar of Imperial leather soap *double sigh* I should have taken my own soap .

 While approaching the shower area there were bursts of welcome from the Spa ladies to guess who??? Kefee the gospel artiste…AhA! That explained the multiple camera men and crew people I saw all over the lobby earlier…didn’t I read somewhere that she is doing a new video?

 I couldn’t see her clearly…. seeing as I had left my glasses in the locker and sealed it with my other belongings.

 So I proceeded into the shower stall and she entered into the next one.

 Trust yours truly, I said hi, and we got talking then we proceeded for our full body massages.

 News Flash she was very pleasant, humble and not snobbish AT ALL…Good for her.

 So the full body massage…was like a full body beating!!!…only more gentle because it was done by soft, smooth female palms.

 At a point I could have sworn there were 10 people doing the massage.

 Anyways it left me floating and relaxed… then I floated back into the shower wishing I didn’t have to wash off whatever it is they used to massage me…… it was so sweet smelling and generally …. on my skin.

 Moved to Sauna where heat been wan keee me. Then to the steam room (there is no difference…one is dry heat and the other is wet heat… but the girl said I should try everything and so I did).

 I was too tired to do the Jacuzzi so I had my 4th shower in 1 hour and left there understanding why some people have all those things in their homes.

 No. 1) it would be so much more fun if you had your spouse or friend with you in there.

 No. 2) When you are through, you really do not feel like wearing all those clothes and walking out again, you just want to fly on your bed and sleep or do other activities people do in bed…like eat ice-cream or watch TV..Hehehe!!
So I went back to the room where PDoc was waiting for me. I thanked him for the experience and he asked me if I wanted dinner and I said no because I do not eat after 7 (part of the weight watch thingy) then he turned on the TV and turned out the lights and…. *whispers* This is where we break for commercials!!… (LOL! Deroju I know you are screaming now….ROTFL)


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