Wednesday, 28 March 2012

7 Speedy and Easy weight loss tips

What’s up? You fat? Struggling to lose weight?

 Are you one of those people who love food but you have lost your joy because all your best things have been taken from you with a diet plan?
Tired of various colours of liquid shakes and counting those little rascals called calories?

Look no further, Chigo has the is revolutionary, tested and trusted with hard facts from renowned motivational and self help theories to back them up.

1.      If you can think it/dream it -you can achieve always see yourself in a slimmer version. Your clothes may not cooperate at first but keep dreaming. Dreams come true...Look at all started with a dream.

2.      There is power in your repeat after me emphatically....I CAN NEVER BE FAT...then...I CAN NOT BE FAT...keep repeating.....that’s the spirit! Now watch yourself commence shrinking.

3.      See yourself doing those things you desire to do and soon you will get results. So if your lifestyle does not allow you the right to exercise right now then don’t fret. When you wake up in the morning just imagine yourself jogging a mile thrice a week, then at other times; swimming and oh there’s tennis and sit ups......It’s amazing, the fat just falls off.

4.       Resist the urge to THINK BIG when it comes to your weight  please...Think small, little, fact think midget....the bigger your live size, the smaller you should think. That’s how to do it, trust me.

5.      Sow a seed into a life that has what you desire and soon you will reap a hundred fold.....move your cash to the slimmest person you can find NOW! The more desperate you are, the more the zeros on the seed.

6.      Be thankful and always see the cup as half full. Appreciate the fact that you carry a presence, you are a force to reckon with and nobody can say they did not see you coming, standing or sitting. These are real life challenges for somebody, somewhere. So be thankful and eventually everything will be all right

7.      Finally, God will do it...hold on tight

See you at the TOP....of the bathroom scale!

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