Saturday 10 November 2012

Lost but found….Careless Owner!

I compered a wedding this week. So at the wedding someone lost their phone. A simple Nokia  phone, which I announced for the owner severally until it occurred to me to take it home, charge it (cos it was off and dead),call the contacts on the phone and trace the owner (Both bride and groom’s people did not know how to go about the matter, they were too distracted to even answer me).
 No be him I reach house oh was about to charge the phone and started thinking and over analyzing the matter…what if the owner has swapped the line? What if….(I can’t remember all the what ifs again)…but I remember that I then remembered that my house help has destroyed her 50th handset since her 3 years in my house then I started entertaining the idea of keeping the phone sef and giving it to her….It has come home with me after all  athink????

So I went out and before I thought of the phone again…over 24 hours later… my darling PDoc sent to me from above had returned the phone to the owner.  From what he told me it wasn’t even an easy process. He had to call several contacts from the address book with the phone (who didn’t know the number because they didn’t have it saved on their phones)… then he finally called someone who accepted that he was a relative to the owner and struggled through the Yoruba communication and the rest is history. Phone and owner have been united with plenty thanks.

The owner later called, she was visiting Lagos for the wedding and she had since returned to Ibadan. She was so happy.

When Pdoc told me, I was happy and humbled because I understood what the scripture said in Psalm 23 that “He leads me in righteousness for His name sake”. If I kept that phone, my people no be thief be that??…Lol! But I thank God  who made me forget about the phone but rather gave the matter to my husband to handle.
PDoc actually said the thought also crossed his mind to keep the phone but he threw  the thought away and went the extra mile to return it to the owner. There are times in our marriage though, when he was the tempted one and I played the role of “goodie two shoes”.
It helps when you marry a true practicing Christian, you help each other avoid HELL FIRE..Lol! I am so glad phone and owner have been united. Praise God.

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